Stuff I've written
Some of it long, some of it short, some of it fiction, some of it
true, all of it pretty stupid.
Shorter anecdotes and such
- A Funny Story about Radio Shack,
true in every detail.
- A Cautionary Story
about the dangers of Chicken Vindaloo.
- The Spiderman Paradox
(8 Aug 1996), a poser I have yet to solve.
- Band Names That Really Piss
Off Club Owners (6 Aug 1996), not that I would know.
- Regarding the Care and
Feeding of Infants (13 Aug 1996), not that I would know about
that, either.
- Magnetic Haiku (13 Aug
1996): I haven't put up the Magnetic Poetry set at my new apartment
yet, but here's the cream of the crop from the old place. It wasn't a
very good crop; we had locust problems, weevils, that sort of thing.
- The Most Embarrassing Fashion
Moment I Have Ever Witnessed (19 Aug 1996), and that's saying
a lot, considering the people I work with.
- The Other
Time I Wore a Dress (20 Aug 1997), included here for
completeness' sake.
- A dream I
once had, illustrated expertly by Jesse Reklaw. He illustrates a
dream every week; send yours in! I bet you didn't know I looked like
Richard Nixon.
- The Worst
Pickup Line in the World (1 Dec 1997). Use at your own risk.
- A Dream I Never Had,
though I wish I had (10 Feb 1998).
- Some tips on equipment
for the next time you move (30 Mar 1998).
- How To Stop
Procrastinating, the first and last of a series of self-help
tips (22 Dec 1998).
- Translating things into the language "No E's Allowed" can be a lot
of fun. A bit of fooling around produced this Patriotic Song (23 Dec 1998).
- I've told this story a million times, so it's high time I put it
on the web: How Not To Comment
Code (13 Feb 2000).
- And that one reminded me of Another
Coding Story, a bit more technical than the last but give it a
shot if you're brave (13 Jun 2000).
- This one kind of speaks for itself: My Best Jokes That No One Else Thinks Are
Funny (13 Feb 2000).
Pseudo-creative pseudo-writing
Mostly stuff I've posted to the newsgroup talk.bizarre, of
varying length and quality.
Longer fictiony kind of stuff
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Last updated 13 June 2000